VIDEO: Sri Lankan Buddhist monk threatens Muslim trader
The Colombo Telegraph website has posted a video showing a Buddhist monk demanding that a Muslim trader pack up and leave a local fair.
Inaction by Sri Lankan police over spate of Muslim businesses torched by Buddhists
The Sri Lankan government has imposed a curfew in a popular tourist town after days of unrest between religious communities with a spate of...
Rohingya safe-house attackers censured by Sri Lanka and branded “animals”
The Sri Lankan government has rebuked radical Buddhist monks who attacked Muslim Rohingya refugees, and has vowed to take action against police who failed...
VIDEO: Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka force Rohingya Muslims to leave UN safe house
Video of Buddhist monks protected by Sri Lankan police forcing Rohingya Muslims to leave a UN safe house in Colombo.
Sri Lankan Muslims help oust President Rajapaksa
It appears that Sri Lanka's long-time leader Mahinda Rajapaksa has paid the price for authoritarian rule, nepotism and alienating the island's minorities, including Muslims.
Sri Lankan govt extends curfew after anti-Muslim violence
The Sri Lankan government has extended curfews in the south-western region of Aluthgama after a violent Buddhist mob murdered three Muslims and burned dozens...
Virulent Buddhist nationalism targets Sri Lanka Muslims
Amjad Mohamed-Saleem argues that virulent Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism, borne out of the country's brutal civil war, poses a real danger to Muslims and other...