I hope Italy stuffs England at the World Cup. Here’s why…
The happiest moments of my life have usually been spent in the moments after the England football team has just been knocked out of...
5Pillars has left media regulator Impress
5Pillars has decided to leave the media regulator Impress because we do not want non-Muslims who do not share our values to have editorial...
Michael Gove is trying to intimidate Muslims but we must not be cowed
Roshan Muhammed Salih says the way to respond to Michael Gove's obvious attempt to intimidate Muslims is by re-doubling our efforts to support the...
Hamza Sodagar: Homosexuality is evil but I didn’t call for gays to be harmed
The Islamic scholar at the centre of a row about his comments on homosexuality has told 5Pillars that he believes the practice is a...
The Quilliam Foundation: Good riddance to bad rubbish
5Pillars editor Roshan Muhammed Salih dances on the grave of the Quilliam Foundation, but warns that there will always be lucrative opportunities in the...
I was attacked by Israel’s troll army
5Pillars editor Roshan Muhammed Salih recounts his experience of what he believes to be a coordinated attack against him by Israel's army of online...
Out of the Box by Leroy Smith: A man trying to atone for his...
Roshan Muhammed Salih is 5Pillars editor. You can follow him on Twitter here
Roshan Muhammed Salih reviews Out of the Box, a fascinating new book...
Muslims Like Us: The Verdict
Roshan Muhammed Salih gives the "Muslims Like Us" housemates marks out of ten for entertainment value, weirdo value and educational value. Then he uses...
5Pillars’ readers survey: Here’s what you had to say
"You're doing a great job but you need to be bigger and better" is the headline I would choose if I had to summarise...
King of the Sands: If this isn’t the worst film ever it’s damn close
I haven’t been to the cinema in years and to be honest I’ll probably never go again after watching King of the Sands, the...