Kabul’s dirty little secret – the hordes of Afghan collaborators

Roshan Muhammed Salih reporting from Kabul, says that Muslims need to have a less generous view of collaborators otherwise we will be giving the...

The fall of Granada, the glories of Al Andalus and the butchery of Spain

On January 2, 1492 the last Muslim kingdom of Al Andalus fell to the Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella, putting an end to 800...

BBC Newsnight Debate: Roshan Salih vs Malik Shilbak on ‘Lady of Heaven’

5Pillars editor, Roshan Muhammed Salih, debated Malik Shilbak, the executive producer of the anti-Sunni hate film ‘Lady of Heaven’ on BBC Newsnight on Wednesday...

Muslims are organised and motivated like never before to impact the General Election

The British Muslim community is making an unprecedented attempt to organise ahead of the General Election on July 4 with the intention of punishing...

How I laughed as an Afghan official took out the mainstream media

Roshan Muhammed Salih in Afghanistan recounts the ritual humiliation of a western mainstream journalist at the hands of an Afghan official in Kabul today. This...

Transform My Prayer: How to really benefit from your daily meetings with God

Roshan Muhammed Salih says the Transform My Prayer course by Iqbal Nasim has revolutionised his attitude to the second pillar of Islam - salah. If we're...

Muslims need to create their own social media platforms

Muslims are facing unprecedented censorship and pressure from social media companies and that’s why we must urgently create our own platforms, argues 5Pillars editor...

Idriss Sihamedi: French Muslims are being treated like black people in 1960s America

5Pillars editor Roshan Muhammed Salih interviewed Idriss Sihamedi, who is the head of France's biggest Muslim charity BarakaCity, which will most probably be permanently...

Maajid Nawaz is a donkey

Maajid Nawaz believes in the right to offend. Well so do I, writes Roshan Muhammed Salih. And that’s why today I’m calling him a...

No you can’t compare Western imperialism with ‘Muslim colonialism’

Roshan Muhammed Salih argues that Muslims should not fall into the trap of comparing our glorious Islamic history with the crusading imperialism of the...
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