Muslim taxi drivers: The good, the bad and the ugly

After graduating from university in 2009, I worked as a systems controller for numerous family-run taxi firms in my hometown of Bedford. Whilst seeking...

Film review: Fetih 1453

I watched Fetih 1453 when it was released in UK cinemas in February 2012. But I felt that with recent events in Turkey unfolding,...

Muslim apologists – The new “divide and rule”

As a result of the Woolwich murder there has been an immense backlash of Islamophobic attacks against Muslims and mosques. Dilly Hussain argues that...

Anjem Choudary: I stand by Michael Adebolajo

Dilly Hussain interviews Anjem Choudary, the former leader of the now banned al Muhajiroun group. Choudary, who has been in the spotlight because of...

British media buries its head in the sand

In the wake of yesterday's incident at Woolwich, the British press has linked the murder of a British soldier to foreign policy but isn't...

Should Muslims apologise for Woolwich?

Within hours of the Woolwich attack, Muslim organizations and personalities have  come out condemning today's incident. But by doing so are they reinforcing the...

Interview: Bangladesh’s Islamic uprising

Following the Shahbag protests which took place in February in Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka, 60 people have died and the country is witnessing the worst political...

Rushanara Ali embarrassed by gay marriage grilling

Rushanara Ali, the Labour MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, dodged a grilling from Dilly Hussain when asked about why she voted in support of the Same Sex...

Interview: Abdul Wahid of Hizb ut Tahrir on the Arab Spring

As popular revolutions and mass anti-government protests spread like wildfire across North Africa and the Middle East, "Islamists" in particular have filled the vacuum...
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