Are terrorist organisations solely to blame for the misrepresentation of Islam?

Abdullah al Andalusi argues that secular regimes in the Muslim world and Western governments are far worse at misrepresenting Islam than terrorist organisations.  Many Muslims...

Ashura: Lessons from the life of Imam Hussain

On this day of Ashura, Shia Muslim Nazim Ali reflects on the life and death of Imam Hussain.  The famous " Hadith Thaqalayn" narrated in...

Zakat: What’s all the fuss about? A frank discussion with the CEO of NZF

In an exclusive interview with 5Pillars, the CEO of the National Zakat Foundation, Iqbal Nasim, speaks to deputy editor, Dilly Hussain, about a newly-surfaced...

Fethullah Gülen: Islamic leader or western agent?

American Turkish student Aisha Mehmet profiles the mysterious Muslim leader who's at the centre of a major power struggle at the heart of the...

LGBT schools row – 10 myths busted

The row over LGBT teaching has spread to more schools but has been wilfully misrepresented by the mainstream media, politicians and some headteachers. Faisal...

The three stooges: General Sisi, Sheikh Hasina and Maajid Nawaz

Dilly Hussain shares his thoughts on the biggest news stories that have been trending this week. In the first edition of his weekly memo, he...

The martyrs of 1987 and the Saudi violation of Hajj

Arzu Merali is one of the founders of the Islamic Human Rights Commission   Arzu Merali argues that last year’s disaster in Mina was just more...

VIDEO: Black Muslim Renaissance – The Black Muslim Festival 2020

The 'Black Muslim Renaissance' festival has launched this month, corresponding with Black History Month. This online family event will run throughout most of October celebrating...

My Umrah brought me peace

We all search for truth and seek meaning in our lives. It's natural and part of being human, and it was this desire which...

REVIEW: Cuts of the Cloth – Muslim women, Islamophobia and the War on Terror

Dr Fahid Qurashi reviews the play ‘Cuts of the Cloth’, which is a poignant and disturbing portrayal of a Muslim woman caught in the...
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